How to alert on long-running SQL queries in .NET

In any application, it is natural that developers change its source code quite frequently to release a new feature or to fix a bug. Along with source code changes the developers introduce new bugs :) It is also okay, we are not robots yet.

In order to ensure the application works even after changes, automated tests are written.


There are such bugs that live on production only, for instance, because of database differs than the developers have. One of such is long-running SQL queries. So even the application which is 100% covered by tests may still have bugs on production.

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It would be nice to alert on long-running SQL queries via email for instance! How can it be done simply without changing tones of existing source code?


Stack Overflow will help literally because they implemented a really cool library. MiniProfiler is .NET profiler with ADO.NET, LINQ-to-SQL, Entity Framework capabilities. Moreover, it is highly extensible so I can measure the duration of the SQL query and alert if it is large. The simplest way to alert can be any logger, for example, NLog with its Mail target.

The core idea is implemented in LongRunningQueryProfiler (full version)

public class LongRunningQueryProfiler : MiniProfiler, IDbProfiler
    private readonly TimeSpan _threshold;
    private readonly ILogger _logger;

    private readonly ConcurrentDictionary<DbCommandKey, Stopwatch> _inProgress =
        new ConcurrentDictionary<DbCommandKey, Stopwatch>();

    public LongRunningQueryProfiler(ILogger logger, TimeSpan threshold) 
        : base(null, DefaultOptions)
        _threshold = threshold;
        _logger = logger;

    public void ExecuteStart(IDbCommand command, SqlExecuteType type)
        DbCommandKey id = Tuple.Create((object) command, type);
        _inProgress[id] = Stopwatch.StartNew();

    public void ExecuteFinish(IDbCommand command, SqlExecuteType type, DbDataReader _)
        DbCommandKey id = Tuple.Create((object) command, type);
        if (_inProgress.TryRemove(id, out Stopwatch stopwatch) && stopwatch.Elapsed > _threshold)
            _logger.Warn("{LongRunningQuery}", new
                stackTrace = StackTraceSnippet.Get(Options),
                sql = command.CommandText,
                elapsed = (long) stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds

And that’s it. Let’s have a try in the test full version:

public async Task It_should_alert_ADO_NET_SQL_queries()
    // Given
    var logger = new TestLogger();
    var profiler = new LongRunningQueryProfiler(logger, threshold: 100.Milliseconds());
    var connectionFactory = new DbConnectionFactory(ConnectionString, profiler);
    var con = await connectionFactory.Open();

    // When
    var cmd = con.CreateCommand();
    cmd.CommandText = "WAITFOR DELAY '00:00:00.200'; SELECT '123' as 'Test'";
    using (var dtr = await cmd.ExecuteReaderAsync())
        while (await dtr.ReadAsync())

    // Then
    Assert.That(logger.Warnings.Any(e => e.sql == cmd.CommandText), Is.True);

Where TestLogger is an implementation of the logger to capture warnings. DbConnectionFactory is connection factory which wraps SqlConnection into ProfiledDbConnection. It must be used everywhere in the application for creating a database connection to make the alerts work.

public class DbConnectionFactory
    private readonly string _connectionString;
    private readonly IDbProfiler _profiler;

    public DbConnectionFactory(string connectionString, IDbProfiler profiler)
        _connectionString = connectionString;
        _profiler = profiler;

    public async Task<DbConnection> Open()
        var connection = new ProfiledDbConnection(new SqlConnection(_connectionString), _profiler);
        await connection.OpenAsync();
        return connection;

Also, I wrote tests for EntityFramework.

Entity Framework profiler pitfalls

Once EF6 profiler is enabled you must treat LongRunningQueryProfiler instance as a singleton. Because of MiniProfiler.EF6 library accesses the profiler via MiniProfiler.Current. Also, don’t use Entity Framework before initialization. The initialization logic will look something like this

var profiler = new LongRunningQueryProfiler(_logger, threshold: 2000.Milliseconds());
MiniProfiler.DefaultOptions.ProfilerProvider = new ProfilerGetter(profiler);

After that, you must use MiniProfiler.Current ONLY!

The full version of given example is here. Party!

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