Audit log via transactional outbox

I’m working on a project with a data-centric approach mostly. Well, as it happens historically ;) Frequently, I’m keep asked to figure out when and who changed entity state. In most cases, I have no clue because the application was not designed to record such things. Ideally, the application is going to be refactored to keep an audit log. But there is an issue. How to be sure the audit log is complete? Of course, good testing will filter out the most mistakes. What else? Event sourcing & CQRS is the perfect solution! Right?

Event sourcing

Event sourcing persists the state of a business entity such an Order or a Customer as a sequence of state-changing events. Whenever the state of a business entity changes, a new event is appended to the list of events. Since saving an event is a single operation, it is inherently atomic. The application reconstructs an entity’s current state by replaying the events — Microservice Architecture

Event sourcing & CQRS is a super great tool. I love the fact that all history is recorded, and it is naturally complete. However, for me, there are huge pain points such as eventual consistency, projection management, saga/process manager. Sure, you could live with them but at what price? If I need to introduce an audit log only, event sourcing may be overkill.

Transactional outbox

A service that uses a relational database inserts messages/events into an outbox table as part of the local transaction. A separate Message Relay process publishes the events inserted into database to a message broker — Microservice Architecture.

Transactional outbox is a good trade-off. It means, when you change the entity state, you will insert audit log records together within the same transaction. See below, the Order table is where you save the entity, the Outbox table is your audit log.

Transactional outbox diagram

There will be much fewer changes for existing data-centric applications. Bonus! You can easily replicate the audit log further to a message bus, data visualization tool, log management system. Pretty tasty, huh? Yeah, what’s the catch?

Well, the transactional outbox approach has a few side effects:

  • Of course, a database must support transactions.
  • Audit log is always late at most for the time of transaction timeout. So Outbox is eventually consistent.
  • Developer might forget to record the audit log after changing the entity.


I found these candidates that may fit for transactional outbox:

After testing a lot and playing, NEventStore, SQLStreamStore works well in the role of outbox. Let’s see how my EntityFramework context looks like below (also here EventSourcingDoor.EntityFrameworkCore):

public class UserDbContext : DbContext
    private readonly IOutbox _outbox;
    public DbSet<User> Users { get; set; }

    public UserDbContext(IOutbox outbox)
        _outbox = outbox;

    public override int SaveChanges(bool acceptAllChanges)
        using var transaction = new TransactionScope();
        var changeLogs = ChangeTracker
            .Select(e => e.Entity)
            .Select(e => e.Changes)
        var result = base.SaveChanges(acceptAllChanges);
        return result;

    public override async Task<int> SaveChangesAsync(bool acceptAllChanges, CancellationToken cancellation = default)
        return SaveChanges(acceptAllChanges);

Below, transactional outbox with NEventStore implementation. Important to note, during sending changes you should enrich them with useful information, such as, when and who made that, maybe even to add user IP address, page URL, etc. See the full version in EventSourcingDoor.NEventStore.

public partial class NEventStoreOutbox : IOutbox
    private readonly IStoreEvents _eventStore;

    public NEventStoreOutbox(IStoreEvents eventStore)
        _eventStore = eventStore;

    public void Send(IEnumerable<IChangeLog> changes)
        foreach (var changeLog in changes)
            using var stream = _eventStore.OpenStream(Guid.NewGuid().ToString());
            foreach (var change in changeLog.GetUncommittedChanges())
                stream.Add(new EventMessage {Body = change});

User entity will look like below. ChangeLog is basically a list of changes made recently. More precisely the list of domain events that happened, which can be considered as an audit log as well. ChangeLog is part of EventSourcingDoor library.

public class User : IHaveChangeLog
    public Guid Id { get; private set; }
    public string Name { get; private set; }
    public IChangeLog Changes { get; }

    public User()
        Changes = ChangeLog.For<User>()
            .On<UserRegistered>((self, evt) => self.When(evt))
            .On<UserNameChanged>((self, evt) => self.When(evt))

    public User(Guid id, string name) : this()
        Changes.Apply(new UserRegistered {Id = id, Name = name});

    private void When(UserRegistered evt)
        Id = evt.Id;
        Name = evt.Name;

    public void Rename(string name)
        Changes.Apply(new UserNameChanged {Id = Id, Name = name});

    private void When(UserNameChanged evt)
        Name = evt.Name;

There is a bit of over-simplified abstraction to connect dots. An entity implements IHaveChangeLog so it has IChangeLog. Once the entity is being saved IOutbox saves ongoing IChangeLog. Profit, we have an audit log for the entity!

public interface IHaveChangeLog
    IChangeLog Changes { get; }
public interface IChangeLog
    IEnumerable<IEvent> GetUncommittedChanges();
    void MarkChangesAsCommitted();
    void Apply(IEvent evt);
public interface IOutbox
    void Send(IEnumerable<IChangeLog> changes);
    Task Receive(Action<IEvent> onReceived, CancellationToken cancellation);

In case you need to replicate the audit log, Receive is what you need. As I mentioned above, there must be a delay in reception which usually equals to the timeout of a transaction. You will lose messages during reception without sufficient delay because ongoing transactions currently may not be committed yet. The reception via NEventStore looks like this:

public partial class NEventStoreOutbox : IOutbox
    public async Task Receive(Action<IEvent> onReceived, CancellationToken cancellation)
        var cancelling = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
        cancellation.Register(() => cancelling.SetResult(null));
        using var pollingClient = new PollingClient2(_eventStore.Advanced, ReceiveCommit);
        await cancelling.Task;

        HandlingResult ReceiveCommit(ICommit commit)
            var visibilityDate = DateTime.UtcNow - TransactionManager.DefaultTimeout;
            if (commit.CommitStamp > visibilityDate)
                return HandlingResult.Retry;
            foreach (var evt in commit.Events)
            return HandlingResult.MoveToNext;


NEventStore saves my domain events into Commits table, so if I query it the following audit log will pop-up.

[{"Body":{"$type":"UserNameChanged","Id":"e2b06a4f-1a6b-461f-a6b6-58b7faa117e5","Name":"James Bond","Version":2}}]
[{"Body":{"$type":"UserNameChanged","Id":"bbdee927-3a60-4640-8881-f29190c7291a","Name":"James Bond #2","Version":2}}]

The outbox using NEventStore and SQLStreamStore show a good performance. An entity with outbox saves in 2ms vs 0.5ms without it (tested on MsSql + NEventStore). They both work well on MsSql and Postgres databases, on Windows and Linux. Moreover, concurrency is still great so long transactions won’t affect the rest. However, when EntityFramework saves multiple entities at once within the same database context, the order in which changes appear in the outbox is unpredictable. Of course, for the audit log, it is not a big deal. Well, to workaround, save the entities one-by-one.

The name EventSourcingDoor is for a reason. Once, your entity implements IHaveChangeLog meaning it publishes audit log AKA domain events, the door is open to switch to pure event sourcing. So before moving your existing application to event sourcing consider EventSourcingDoor :)

See the pull request how I refactored the todo app and introduced an audit log via transactional outbox there.

Let me know down below in the comments what do you think.

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