About Me

“My love for what I do typically inspires people to work with me.”

Hello and welcome! I’m really glad you’re here.

Over the years, I’ve gradually developed a range of skills, including 18+ years in C# development, over a decade in front-end technologies like JavaScript, HTML, CSS, and 10+ years in MS SQL. I am a certified Microsoft Azure Cloud (AZ-104, AZ-900) engineer. My experience spans several areas such as e-invoicing, electronic data interchange (EDI), and cyber security.

Microsoft Certified: Azure Fundamentals Microsoft Certified: Azure Administrator Associate

I’ve found a niche in remote working, adapting well to such environments for more than 8 years now. My skills also cover messaging systems and cloud services, with a focus on Azure for the past 5 years. I’m familiar with modern architectural patterns like CQRS and Event Sourcing, having worked with them for 3 years, and I’ve recently been exploring Blazor/WebAssembly, contributing to various projects. Outside of work, I love to blog here, where I discuss a range of technical topics.

My professional mantra revolves around making the implicit explicit, dividing and conquering tasks, advocating for effective component use, optimizing for deletability, and always focusing on maintainability.

Away from the keyboard, I am a proud father, an avid traveler, a bicyclist, a progressive metal enthusiast, and a boat skipper.